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Tyre repair set: Check bottle for damage and if used; check date of tyre sealant
The tyre repair set is located in the spare wheel recess or next to the hybrid battery.
The tyre repair set consists of the compressor and a tyre filler bottle with sealant.
t  The tyre sealant in the bottle has a limited expiry date.
t  Therefore the expiry date is indicated on the bottle -arrow-.
t  Vehicles fitted with standard tyres inc. polymer coating (mobility tyres) may possibly not be equipped with a tyre repair set or spare wheel.
This example shows that the expiry date 05/2003 has been exceeded, then the bottle has to be renewed.
–  Check the expiry date.
–  Renew tyre sealant if the expiry date has been reached.
t  The tyre sealant must not be more than 4 years old.
t  When the bottle has been opened e.g. at a "flat tyre", it has also to be renewed.
t  Residual tyre sealant or bottles which are filled and the expiry date has been exceeded, must be disposed of.
t  Old tyre sealant or residual sealant must not be mixed and disposed of with other fluids.
t  Observe disposal regulations!

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