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2004-08 ACCESSORIES & EQUIPMENT Rear Window Defogger - TSX <meta name="InColGX" content=""> </head> <body bgcolor="white" text="black"> <h1>2004-08 ACCESSORIES & EQUIPMENT</h1> <h1>Rear Window Defogger - TSX</h1><a name="S41002750982008080900000"></a><h2 class="clsHeadOne">Component Location Index</h2> <p><span class="clsFig"><a class="clsExtGraphicLink" onclick="ajaxModalImg($(this).attr('id'))" id="G05492983" name="S32885173112008080900000">Fig. 1: Identifying Rear Window Defogger Component Location</a><br><span class="clsCourtesyNote">Courtesy of AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC.</span></span></p><a name="S02296984672008080900000"></a><h2 class="clsHeadOne">Circuit Diagram</h2> <p><span class="clsFig"><a class="clsExtGraphicLink" onclick="ajaxModalImg($(this).attr('id'))" id="G05492984" name="S07238647042008080900000">Fig. 2: Rear Window Defogger - Circuit Diagram</a><br><span class="clsCourtesyNote">Courtesy of AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC.</span></span></p><a name="S26717618112008080900000"></a><h2 class="clsHeadOne">Function Test</h2> <p>Before troubleshooting the rear window circuit, perform multiplex integrated control system troubleshooting using B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A (see <a class="clsExtHyperlink" id="A00293853_S39694387212008080900000">TROUBLESHOOTING - B-CAN SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS TEST MODE A</a> ).</p> <p><span class="clsNote"><table> <tr> <td class="clsNoteLabel"><span>NOTE:</span></td> <td> <ul class="clsBULLET"> <li>Be careful not to scratch or damage the defogger wires with the tester probe.</li> <li>Before testing, check the No. 14 (40 A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box and No. 30 (7.5 A) fuse in the under-dash fuse/relay box.</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table></span></p> <ol class="clsARABICNUM"> <li>Measure the voltage between the positive terminal (A) and body ground with the ignition switch and defogger switch ON.<p>There should be battery voltage.</p> <ul class="clsBULLET"> <li>If there is no voltage, check for:<ul class="clsDASH"> <li>Faulty defogger relay.</li> <li>Faulty window antenna coil.</li> <li>Faulty climate control unit (audio-HVAC-display module)</li> <li>An open in the BLK/YEL wire to the positive terminal.</li> </ul> </li> <li>If there is voltage, go to step 2.<p><span class="clsFig"><a class="clsExtGraphicLink" onclick="ajaxModalImg($(this).attr('id'))" id="G05492985" name="S05360432672008080900000">Fig. 3: Measuring Voltage Between Positive Terminal And Body Ground With Ignition Switch And Defogger Switch</a><br><span class="clsCourtesyNote">Courtesy of AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC.</span></span></p> </li> </ul> </li> <li>Disconnect the negative terminal (B) from the rear window defogger.</li> <li>Check for continuity between the negative terminal (B) and body ground.<p>If there is no continuity, check for an open in the BLK/YEL wire and ground. If there is continuity, go to step 4.</p> </li> <li>Reconnect the negative terminal to the rear window defogger.</li> <li>Turn the ignition switch ON (II) and the rear window defogger switch ON.</li> <li>Touch the voltmeter positive probe to the points (1), (2), (3) on each defogger wire, and the negative probe to the negative terminal.<ul class="clsBULLET"> <li>If the voltage is as specified, the defogger wire up to that point is OK.</li> <li>If the voltage is not as specified, repair the defogger wire.<ul class="clsDASH"> <li>If it is more than specified atone of the points, there is a break in the negative half of the wire.</li> <li>If it is less than specified at one of the points, there is a break in the negative half of the wire.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ol><a name="S36311201112008080900000"></a><h2 class="clsHeadOne">Defogger Wire Repair</h2> <p><span class="clsNote"><table> <tr> <td class="clsNoteLabel"><span>NOTE:</span></td> <td>To make an effective repair, the broken section must be no longer than 1 inch (25 mm).</td> </tr> </table></span></p> <ol class="clsARABICNUM"> <li>Lightly rub the area around the broken section (A) with fine steel wool, then clean it with isopropyl alcohol.<p><span class="clsFig"><a class="clsExtGraphicLink" onclick="ajaxModalImg($(this).attr('id'))" id="G05492986" name="S27116733322008080900000">Fig. 4: Identifying Broken Section</a><br><span class="clsCourtesyNote">Courtesy of AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC.</span></span></p> </li> <li>Carefully mask above and below the broken portion of the defogger wire (B) with cellophane tape (C).</li> <li>Using a small brush, apply a heavy coat of thoroughly mixed silver conductive paint (commercially available) extending about 1/8" on both sides of the break. Allow 25 minutes to dry.<p><span class="clsFig"><a class="clsExtGraphicLink" onclick="ajaxModalImg($(this).attr('id'))" id="G05492987" name="S29264443862008080900000">Fig. 5: Applying Heavy Coat Of Thoroughly Mixed Silver Conductive Paint</a><br><span class="clsCourtesyNote">Courtesy of AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC.</span></span></p> </li> <li>Perform the function test to confirm that the wire is repaired.</li> <li>Apply a second coat of paint in the same way. Let it dry 3 hours before removing the tape.</li> </ol> </body> </html>

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    • Component Location Index
    • Circuit Diagram
    • Function Test
    • Defogger Wire Repair
    • Fig. 1: Identifying Rear Window Defogger Component Location
    • Fig. 2: Rear Window Defogger - Circuit Diagram
    • Fig. 3: Measuring Voltage Between Positive Terminal And Body Ground With Ignition Switch And Defogger Switch
    • Fig. 4: Identifying Broken Section
    • Fig. 5: Applying Heavy Coat Of Thoroughly Mixed Silver Conductive Paint


Rear Window Defogger - TSX

Component Location Index

Fig. 1: Identifying Rear Window Defogger Component Location

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 2: Rear Window Defogger - Circuit Diagram

Function Test

Before troubleshooting the rear window circuit, perform multiplex integrated control system troubleshooting using B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A (see TROUBLESHOOTING - B-CAN SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS TEST MODE A ).

  • Be careful not to scratch or damage the defogger wires with the tester probe.
  • Before testing, check the No. 14 (40 A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box and No. 30 (7.5 A) fuse in the under-dash fuse/relay box.

  1. Measure the voltage between the positive terminal (A) and body ground with the ignition switch and defogger switch ON.

    There should be battery voltage.

  2. Disconnect the negative terminal (B) from the rear window defogger.
  3. Check for continuity between the negative terminal (B) and body ground.

    If there is no continuity, check for an open in the BLK/YEL wire and ground. If there is continuity, go to step 4.

  4. Reconnect the negative terminal to the rear window defogger.
  5. Turn the ignition switch ON (II) and the rear window defogger switch ON.
  6. Touch the voltmeter positive probe to the points (1), (2), (3) on each defogger wire, and the negative probe to the negative terminal.
    • If the voltage is as specified, the defogger wire up to that point is OK.
    • If the voltage is not as specified, repair the defogger wire.
      • If it is more than specified atone of the points, there is a break in the negative half of the wire.
      • If it is less than specified at one of the points, there is a break in the negative half of the wire.

Defogger Wire Repair

NOTE: To make an effective repair, the broken section must be no longer than 1 inch (25 mm).

  1. Lightly rub the area around the broken section (A) with fine steel wool, then clean it with isopropyl alcohol.

    Fig. 4: Identifying Broken Section

  2. Carefully mask above and below the broken portion of the defogger wire (B) with cellophane tape (C).
  3. Using a small brush, apply a heavy coat of thoroughly mixed silver conductive paint (commercially available) extending about 1/8" on both sides of the break. Allow 25 minutes to dry.

    Fig. 5: Applying Heavy Coat Of Thoroughly Mixed Silver Conductive Paint

  4. Perform the function test to confirm that the wire is repaired.
  5. Apply a second coat of paint in the same way. Let it dry 3 hours before removing the tape.
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