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León Current Flow Diagram No.  158 / 1

Auxiliary air heater , (Diesel)
From November 2011

León Current Flow Diagram No.  158 / 2
ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
rt = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = purple
vi = purple
ge = yellow
or = orange
rs = pink
Terminal 30 voltage supply relay, Engine control unit
A -   Battery
E16 -   Heater/heat output switch
J317 -   Terminal 30 voltage supply relay, on E-box in engine compartmentS02HXXX8U803#BTJ317
J519 -   Onboard supply control unitS02HXXX8U805#BTJ519
J623 -   Engine control unit, central in plenum chamberS02HXXX8U804#BTJ623
SB10 -   Fuse 10 on fuse holder BS02HXXX8U802#BTSB-
SB15 -   Fuse 15 on fuse holder BS02HXXX8U802#BTSB-
T20c -   20-pin connector
T40a -   40-pin connector
T94a -   94-pin connector
  507 -   Threaded connection (30), on battery fuse holder
  D104 -   Positive connection 2 (30a), in engine compartment wiring harness
  D183 -   Connection 4 (87a), in engine compartment wiring harness
* -   Only models with no air conditioning system/Climatronic

León Current Flow Diagram No.  158 / 3
ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
rt = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = purple
vi = purple
ge = yellow
or = orange
rs = pink
Low heat output relay, High heat output relay, Auxiliary air heater element
J359 -   Low heat output relay, on relay carrier, on left of dash panelS02HXXX8U803#BTJ359
J360 -   High heat output relay, on relay carrier, on left of dash panelS02HXXX8U803#BTJ360
J519 -   Onboard supply control unitS02HXXX8U805#BTJ519
SA4 -   Fuse 4 in fuse holder A, on left in engine compartment (low box)S02HXXX8U802#BTSA-
SA6 -   Fuse 6 in fuse holder A, on left in engine compartment (low box)S02HXXX8U802#BTSA-
T6r -   6-pin connector, black
T9b -   9-pin connector, black
Z35 -   Auxiliary air heater element
  44 -   Earth point, lower part of left A-pillarS02HXXX8U801#VB44
  507 -   Threaded connection (30), on battery fuse holder
  A176 -   Connection (auxiliary heater), in dash panel wiring harness

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