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Checking tandem pump
Special tools and workshop equipment required
t  Tandem pump tester -VAS 5187-
t  Torque wrench (5...50 Nm) -V.A.G 1331-
t  Vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051-
t  Diagnosis cable -VAS 5051/6A-
Test prerequisites
l  Coolant temperature must be at least 85° C.
l  Unit injectors OK.
l  Fuel filter and fuel lines must not be blocked.
l  Fuel gauge sender must be OK.
–  Unscrew charge air pipe and lay to side.
–  Remove securing bolt -arrow-.
–  Connect tandem pump tester -VAS 5187- as shown.
–  Fit and tighten charge air pipe again.
–  Start engine and run at idling speed.
–  Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051- and select “vehicle self-diagnosis” operating mode.
–  Press button “01 - Engine electronics” on display.
–  Press diagnosis function “08-Read data block”.
–  Enter display group “1” using key pad and confirm entry with Q button.
–  Read engine idling speed in display zone “1”.
–  Increase engine speed to 4000 rpm.
–  Observe pressure indicated on pressure gauge.
Specification: min. 7.5 bar
If the specification is not obtained:
–  Renew fuel filter.
–  Repeat check.
If the specification is not obtained again:
–  Using a hose clamp, clamp-off return line between fuel filter and tandem pump.
–  Increase engine speed to 4000 rpm.
–  Observe pressure indicated on pressure gauge.
Specification: min. 7.5 bar
If specification is now obtained:
Pressure loss at unit injectors.
–  Renew unit injector O-rings.
If the specification is not obtained:
–  Renew tandem pump → Chapter, removing and installing tandem pump.
After removing pressure tester, tighten plug to 25 Nm. Always renew seal.

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