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DATACENTER ERROR!!! Внимание! Авария в датацентре!!

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Diagnosis and repair

1.Insert one-way clutch holding tool No. T77L-7902-R or equivalent in a stator thrust washer groove, then place converter clutch torquing tool No. T76L-7902-C or equivalent in converter pump drive hub to engage one-way clutch inner race.
2.Attach a torque wrench to torquing tool, Then turn wrench counterclockwise from direction of drive hub opening. One-way clutch should lock and hold a force of 10 ft lbs.
3.Turn wrench clockwise from direction of drive hub opening. One-way clutch should rotate freely until torquing tool contacts holding tool.
4.Repeat lock-up and hold tests for at least 5 different points in circle of clutch rotation. If, at any point, clutch fails to perform as indicated, replace torque converter,

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