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Diagnosis and repair



NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View Of Coast Clutch Cylinder when performing the following procedure.

1.Remove overdrive sun gear from coast clutch cylinder.
2.Remove and discard selective snap ring.
3.Remove pressure and clutch plates from cylinder. Tag for assembly reference.
4.Using clutch spring compressor No. T65L-77515-A or equivalent, remove return spring retaining ring.
5.Remove compressor tool.
6.Remove piston return spring, piston apply plate, and piston from cylinder.
7.Remove outer seal from piston, then the inner seal from cylinder.


NOTE: Soak all friction plates in clean transmission fluid for fifteen minutes. Lightly lubricate all 0-ring seals before installing, using transmission fluid.

1.Install inner seal, with lip facing down, into cylinder.
2.Install outer seal, with lip facing down, onto piston.
3.Install piston, piston apply plate, and piston return spring into cylinder.
4.Using clutch spring compressor No. T65L-7751 5-A or equivalent, install return spring retaining ring.
5.Install clutch pack plates, alternately starting with steel plate.
6.Install pressure plate.
7.Install selective snap ring. Using feeler gauge, check stack-up at 3 different points 120° apart.
8.Clearance should not exceed 0.045-0.025 inch.
9.If clearance is not within specifications, install correct selective snap ring and recheck. Selective snap rings are available in following sizes: sizes available are 0.057-0.053 inch, 0.073-0.069 inch, and 0.089-0.085 inch.
10.Install overdrive sun gear, with short end of gear down, into coast clutch cylinder.


Exploded View Of Coast Clutch CylinderExploded View Of Coast Clutch Cylinder

NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View Of Coast Clutch Cylinder when performing the following procedure.

1.Remove overdrive sun gear from coast clutch cylinder.
2.Remove and discard selective snap ring.
3.Remove pressure and clutch plates from cylinder. Tag for assembly reference.
4.Using clutch spring compressor No. T65L-77515-A or equivalent, remove return spring retaining ring.
5.Remove compressor tool.
6.Remove piston return spring, piston apply plate, and piston from cylinder.
7.Remove outer seal from piston, then the inner seal from cylinder.


NOTE: Soak all friction plates in clean transmission fluid for fifteen minutes. Lightly lubricate all 0-ring seals before installing, using transmission fluid.

1.Install inner seal, with lip facing down, into cylinder.
2.Install outer seal, with lip facing down, onto piston.
3.Install piston, piston apply plate, and piston return spring into cylinder.
4.Using clutch spring compressor No. T65L-7751 5-A or equivalent, install return spring retaining ring.
5.Install clutch pack plates, alternately starting with steel plate.
6.Install pressure plate.
7.Install selective snap ring. Using feeler gauge, check stack-up at 3 different points 120° apart.
8.Clearance should not exceed 0.045-0.025 inch.
9.If clearance is not within specifications, install correct selective snap ring and recheck. Selective snap rings are available in following sizes: sizes available are 0.057-0.053 inch, 0.073-0.069 inch, and 0.089-0.085 inch.
10.Install overdrive sun gear, with short end of gear down, into coast clutch cylinder.

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