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Diagnosis and repair

NOTE: Upshifts and downshifts will be firm during this procedure. Refer to the appropriate tester overlay for shift solenoid sequences.

1.Shift vehicle into DRIVE and accelerate to 15 mph; select 2nd gear by rotating the gear selector to 2nd.
Did the vehicle upshift to 2nd gear?
Did the appropriate shift solenoids activate/deactivate?

2.Accelerate to 25 mph and select 3rd gear. Did the vehicle upshift to 3rd gear?
Did the appropriate shift solenoids activate/deactivate?

3.Accelerate to 35-45mph and select 4th gear.
Did the transmission upshift to 4th gear?
Did the appropriate shift solenoids activate/deactivate?

4.Reverse the order to downshift.
Does the vehicle downshift from 4 to 3, 3 to 2, and 2 to 1?
Did the appropriate shift solenoids activate/deactivate?

5.Does the transmission pass these tests? If not refer to Diagnosis by Symptom.

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