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Diagnosis and repair


Use a regular 12-volt test lamp for this test.

1.Make sure all vehicle electrical circuits are turned off.
2.To check for minimum battery charge and/or condition of bulb, connect test lamp across battery terminals. Lamp should light.
3.Disconnect test lamp.
4.Disconnect either positive or negative battery cable. Connect 12-volt test lamp between cable terminal and battery post.

On vehicles equipped with EEC, when the battery has been disconnected and reconnected, some abnormal drive symptoms may occur while the EEC processor relearns its adaptive strategy. The vehicle may need to be driven 10 miles or more to relearn the strategy.

5.If lamp glows, connect battery terminal to post for five seconds then repeat the test to make sure results are dependable.
6.If the test lamp does not glow, there is no current drain.
7.If the test lamp does glow, check individual circuits to locate cause of current drain. Underhood lamp, glove compartment lamp, and cargo lamps are prime suspects. Test LampTest Lamp

Use a regular 12-volt test lamp for this test.

1.Make sure all vehicle electrical circuits are turned off.
2.To check for minimum battery charge and/or condition of bulb, connect test lamp across battery terminals. Lamp should light.
3.Disconnect test lamp.
4.Disconnect either positive or negative battery cable. Connect 12-volt test lamp between cable terminal and battery post.

On vehicles equipped with EEC, when the battery has been disconnected and reconnected, some abnormal drive symptoms may occur while the EEC processor relearns its adaptive strategy. The vehicle may need to be driven 10 miles or more to relearn the strategy.

5.If lamp glows, connect battery terminal to post for five seconds then repeat the test to make sure results are dependable.
6.If the test lamp does not glow, there is no current drain.
7.If the test lamp does glow, check individual circuits to locate cause of current drain. Underhood lamp, glove compartment lamp, and cargo lamps are prime suspects.

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