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Diagnosis and repair


Using a suitable ohmmeter, connect alternator field terminal with one probe and ground terminal with other probe, Fig. 22. Then spin alternator pulley. The ohmmeter reading should be between 2.4 and 100 ohms on models less IAR system, all readings should fluctuate while the pulley is turning. An infinite reading (no meter movement) indicates an open brush lead, worn or stuck brushes, or a bad rotor assembly. An ohmmeter reading of less than 2.4 ohms indicates a grounded brush assembly, a grounded field terminal or a bad rotor.Fig. 22 Testing Rectifier Bridge DiodesFig. 22 Testing Rectifier Bridge Diodes

Using a suitable ohmmeter, connect alternator field terminal with one probe and ground terminal with other probe, Fig. 22. Then spin alternator pulley. The ohmmeter reading should be between 2.4 and 100 ohms on models less IAR system, all readings should fluctuate while the pulley is turning. An infinite reading (no meter movement) indicates an open brush lead, worn or stuck brushes, or a bad rotor assembly. An ohmmeter reading of less than 2.4 ohms indicates a grounded brush assembly, a grounded field terminal or a bad rotor.

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