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Diagnosis and repair


1.Loosen the hose clamp vacuum pump inlet fitting.
2.Remove the hose from the vacuum pump inlet fitting.
3.Remove drive belt by placing a 15mm box end wrench on the automatic belt tensioner pulley bolt and rotating it counterclockwise until belt can be removed.
4.Remove vacuum pump retaining bolts and remove vacuum pump.

NOTE: The vacuum pump is not to be disassembled. It is only serviced as a unit. The pulley is serviced as a separate item.

1.Position vacuum pump and install retaining bolt. Tighten bolts to 24-31 Nm (18-23 ft lb).
2.Connect the hose from the manifold vacuum outlet fitting to the vacuum pump and install the hose clamp.
3.Install belt by placing a 15mm box end wrench on the automatic belt tensioner pulley bolt and rotate the pulley counterclockwise. Position belt on pulley.
-The vacuum pump is driven by the back (flat) side of the belt.
-The BRAKE light will glow until vacuum builds up to the normal level.
-If new belt is installed, recheck belt tension after running vacuum pump for five minutes.Vacuum Hose DiagramVacuum Hose Diagram

1.Loosen the hose clamp vacuum pump inlet fitting.
2.Remove the hose from the vacuum pump inlet fitting.
3.Remove drive belt by placing a 15mm box end wrench on the automatic belt tensioner pulley bolt and rotating it counterclockwise until belt can be removed.
4.Remove vacuum pump retaining bolts and remove vacuum pump.

NOTE: The vacuum pump is not to be disassembled. It is only serviced as a unit. The pulley is serviced as a separate item.

1.Position vacuum pump and install retaining bolt. Tighten bolts to 24-31 Nm (18-23 ft lb).
2.Connect the hose from the manifold vacuum outlet fitting to the vacuum pump and install the hose clamp.
3.Install belt by placing a 15mm box end wrench on the automatic belt tensioner pulley bolt and rotate the pulley counterclockwise. Position belt on pulley.
-The vacuum pump is driven by the back (flat) side of the belt.
-The BRAKE light will glow until vacuum builds up to the normal level.
-If new belt is installed, recheck belt tension after running vacuum pump for five minutes.

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