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Diagnosis and repair

1.Disconnect the brake warning lamp indicator wire from the plastic reservoir fluid level indicator socket. Drain the brake fluid from the master cylinder assembly.


2.Using a large screwdriver, pry between the reservoir and the master cylinder body and remove the reservoir.

1.Lubricate the two grommets included in service kit with heavy duty DOT 3 brake fluid. Insert the grommets into the master cylinder body.

NOTE: Whenever the master cylinder plastic reservoir is replaced, the grommets must also be replaced.

2.Press the plastic reservoir into the grommets with the fluid level indicator socket facing outboard. The reservoir should snap in place, indicating that it is secure.
3.Connect the brake warning lamp indicator wire to the fluid level indicator socket.
4.Fill the reservoir with heavy duty DOT 3 brake fluid. Bleed the system.
1.Disconnect the brake warning lamp indicator wire from the plastic reservoir fluid level indicator socket. Drain the brake fluid from the master cylinder assembly.

Reservoir RemovalReservoir Removal

2.Using a large screwdriver, pry between the reservoir and the master cylinder body and remove the reservoir.

1.Lubricate the two grommets included in service kit with heavy duty DOT 3 brake fluid. Insert the grommets into the master cylinder body.

NOTE: Whenever the master cylinder plastic reservoir is replaced, the grommets must also be replaced.

2.Press the plastic reservoir into the grommets with the fluid level indicator socket facing outboard. The reservoir should snap in place, indicating that it is secure.
3.Connect the brake warning lamp indicator wire to the fluid level indicator socket.
4.Fill the reservoir with heavy duty DOT 3 brake fluid. Bleed the system.

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