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Diagnosis and repair

NOTE: Measurement and adjustment of tapered roller bearing is necessary is a housing, countershaft, mainshaft, or input shaft has been replaced, or if a tapered roller bearing has been replaced. The mainshaft, input shaft, and countershaft should be adjusted to provide a 0.00079-0.00434 inch preload. After adjusting the two shafts, each should be rotated a few times to center the rollers on bearings.

1.With transmission mounted on a suitable holding fixture, output flange upward, attach a suitable dial indicator to output flange with indicating bar on end of mainshaft.
2.Zero dial indicator, then using a suitable pry bar, pry up on end of input and mainshaft and note indicator reading.
3.A shim and shaft seal, to be fitted, should have a combined thickness equal to dial reading plus 0.0007O-0.00434 inch. This will result in a specified preload after installation of shims, shaft seal, mainshaft, and countershaft.

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