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Diagnosis and repair

NOTE: All OBD II scan tools support the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) reset.

The PCM Reset allows the scan tool to command the PCM to clear all emission-related diagnostic information. When resetting the PCM, a DTC P1000 will be stored in the PCM until all the OBD II system monitors or components have been tested to satisfy a drive cycle, without any other faults occurring.

The following events occur when a PCM reset is performed:
-Clears the number of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).
-Clears the DTCs.
-Clears the freeze frame data.
-Clears oxygen sensor test data.
-Resets status of the OBD II system monitors.
-Sets DTC P1000.

NOTE: When using the New Generation STAR (NGS) Scan Tool to perform a PCM reset, press the CLEAR button. This function is performed only after retrieval of continuous DTCs.

New Generation STAR and Generic Scan Tool
Refer to the scan tool manufacturers manual for specific instructions on how to perform PCM reset.

To reset Keep Alive Random Access Memory, disconnect the battery ground cable for a minimum of 5 minutes. Resetting Keep Alive RAM will clear learned values the PCM has stored for adaptive systems such as idle and fuel trim.

After Keep Alive RAM has been reset, the vehicle may exhibit certain driveability concerns. It will be necessary to drive the vehicle to allow the PCM to relearn values for optimum driveability and performance.

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